Friday, May 31, 2013

That feeling

...of relief when you realize you don't have to check what train you have to catch tomorrow in the morning in order to get to school :)
There's nothing wrong with that school, I just kind of like my real school's location more. It's nice to have only 100 m to school you know, no early mornings xD
yup that's what I think about early mornings..

First world problems


More just girly things...

The tumblr I got these from can you find HERE

When your breakfast consists mainly of fruit


Thursday, May 30, 2013


This is litterally the best müsli in the world.
Ah, I'm too tired to work properly! :/

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


My dog decided to take a break :p <3

Orange Juice!!

Since my last post I have cilled at school for about one hour and then bicycled home... Yay!

Haven't been eating anything since breakfast, so I am super hungry.. Actually craving a sallad at the moment :O But I am too lazy to make one myself.
To add up on it my sister baked this yesterday
But I am not allowed to eat it because it's for my brother and his friends who are coming over today...
So I am currently drinking some orange juice xD hahah 
Lol this post was random... But I mean I had to post all three pictures, idk why, don't ask :p

Bored to death

I didn't know I could've stayed at home today... Goddamnit! And it was such a struggle to get up from bed in the morning! Gaah horrible xD


Today we got our last exams back (except for English, Idk why but my teacher didn't want to give it to us...) and I actually passed every course except for math. Which really wasn't a surprise xD hahaha

After we had got all exams back, we had lunch, and then a thing called the Magnusgala. Basically a lesson where we watched 8 different videos/movies students at the school had done, and then we voted which one we liked most.
Well, there were some weird, like very weird, videos. Some were good and two were A-mazing! And after that we went homeeee :D
That was my day... There have been better days, but worse too :) Hope you had a great day!
idk I kinda feel like that right now :O

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


My legs are soooooooooooo tired. Seriously. And I haven't even done that much today... I mean Katarina and I bicycled home from school today (and yesterday.) Then I bicykled to the orienteering and home again. All together I have bicycled about 20 km today. That is, in my opinion not even much. But then again I ran a competiton there between all the cycling...
Oh well. This was a boring update....

Is it just me who...

...has this bad habit that when I have to do something, I just sit there with the thing in front of me. I don't do it until like 2 am, I just sit there stressing about how I'll have to stay up late to do that. So not logical

...doesn't like to eat mandarines, because they are so tough to peel. But if somebody else does it for you you gladly eat them.

...have a wardrobe over flooding with clothes, but still don't have anything to wear.

...wishes to have access to an infinite amount of money.

...wants to gain weight, not loose. Trust me, I've tried. For me it just doesn't work to get fatter :O

...wishes they could move everyone they love and care about to the same town so long-distance relationships didn't exist anymore.

...checks spellings on google translate, but doesn't trust google so I end up checking it on another website. (For those of you who wants a good site for Swedish-English translation try

...wishes Willy Wonka existed for real.

...wants to have summer all year long.

Those are some things I do :o :)

Monday, May 27, 2013


because next year I will not be here in my own room anymore :O


chocolate all over my (sister's) shirt :o

Quality time

Spending some quality time with my sibs :) <3


Yesterday I didn't do anything else than sleeping, eating, bicycling and studying... That's why I didn't update. Nothing interesting enough happened ;)
This one is identical to my racer :P Maybe different tyres though

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Today, after I woke up and walked the dog, I went to Stafettkarnevalen (A big running competetion between all Swedish speaking schools in Finland.) There I met Vilma and Moa. We didn't really do anything special, met a lot of random people and saw Isac Elliot. For those of you who doesn't know who Isac is, he's a (in my opinion) very talented singer from Finland, who actually is from my hometown.

After spending about two hours at Stafettkarnevalen I took the train home. My family picked me up at the trainstation and now I am at my sisters danceshow.

I'm literally starving since I haven't eated anything else than breakfast today... So if anybody could bring me food I'd live you forever!!! :p

Friday, May 24, 2013

At home in my bed

Here are some pictures from today.. :) hahaha
Good night!


Today I didn't go to any lesson at school because the only lesson I had was chemistry and that was optional anyway. Instead I met up with Katti after her day ended and then we ate some lunch. After that we joined some boys that were on their way to play football. We grabbed some food at McDonalds, and then went to play football.
Even though I suck at football I had a great time, because no one was judging my skills xD At least not as far as I noticed :)
Now we are at the amusing park in Helsinki, Borgbacken. Where we soon will meet Moa :) Yeew haha
I'll update later again x

Good Morning!

I'm going out for a run now before school starts :) Oh and tonight I'll meet Moa again! Yeew :D

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today and good night!

Today after school ended I stayed there because I am that cool! No really, it was raining outside and I wanted to hang out with my friends :)
Then, when everybody else had lessons again I went home. When I got home I ate again before I walked down to the trainstation and met up with Katarina. We went to her house and baked some cookies and relaxed.
Then we walked to my house to get my dog and then we walked back to her house and then I walked back home. That was a lot of walking lol xD
But yeah, that's all I've done today :) Night mates <3

Oh and I found this yesterday.. I just had to show it to you because it's so true! Even though Finns probably are the only ones who will understand what's so funny about it ;)

Only one exam left

Today was a pretty good day even though I don't think my English-exam went too well... And it's still raining :/ But other than that I liked today this far :)
I don't know what to do now, so I'm just relaxing on my bed :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What happened to the summer

Pizza, Love and Understanding

Lunch with Sonja and Katti after school (y)


I had such great plans for this morning! I thought I'd get up and go for a run, then I'd eat and do some studying... Ha I woke up, and realized that would never happen and then I went back to sleep
But now I HAVE TO get up if I want to get to school in time
*I do not have a picture that fits to this...*

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last flute lesson

It's like everything is coming to an end faster than I expected. It always seemed so far away, and now I realize that it's the last time I do whatever I'm doing for a whole year! I don't know how I feel about that... Of course I am super-excited about going to the States as an foreign exchange student, but at the same time it feels like I'm going to leave my home for ever. Even though I know a year passes by fast... I don't know, it's just such a weird feeling!
I wish you could do that for living!

Free day

No make-up. Hair undone. Sweatpants. Because today I have no school! And I love it :)
lol weird pic

Monday, May 20, 2013


When dad came home tonight we went for a run. I liked it. Then we ate dinner and ice cream. I liked that even more. Then I cleaned up a little of my things and then I went to bed. I didn't like to clean up. Then I watched Jack and Finns new video about 15 times in a row. I liked that most. Now I have to sleep. Goodnight

My laptop

Laterly my computer has been so slow! Like I have to wait for ages for it to open e.g. Spotify... I couldn't understand what was wrong until yesterday evening... You know I downloaded a virusprotection plan and everything but it didn't help. And so then yesterday this little window popped up that said something like "You can't do this because your startup disk is full."
I was like "wtf is a startup disk?!"
But now, after a little help from google I am slowly getting back some space on my laptop. I looked through everything I had and deleted what I didn't need. Then I cleaned my trashbin, and well... It's still not done because I had over 85 000 objects to delete :O Idk what happened there.....
Anyway now I only have 15 000 objects left to delete :) GAHH hate when these kind of things happens!

Idk man idk

Just look how beautiful they are!!! :')
I had an amazing weekend! I spent saturday and sunday with Moa and Vilma. And yes they slept at my place :) I don't know what to tell you except that we had the best time and that they are amazing girls! I really really wish we lived closer :(
I miss them so much already!!
Photo by Vilma


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Morning walks

Even though it is warm outside, I miss the sun :(

Good morning world!

I thought I'd update you about yesterday :)
As some of you may know, I met two Angels (fans of Cody Simpson are called Angels) through twitter and instagram. After talking a little we realized we're all Swedish-speaking-Finns. We started talking in November 2012, and yesterday was the first time we met in real life.

To be honest it felt like we had met before and that we had known each other for a much longer time than we actually have. I had so much fun yesterday! I never expected us to have THAT much fun together.
Anyway, we didn't really do anything special. First I met up with Moa and her mum at Vapiano where we ate lunch together. Then Moa and I walked around in Helsinki until Vilma arrived. When she arrived we walked around a little more until Moa had to leave. Then Vilma and I went to Vilma's mother's apartment/show room and ate a little. And that was pretty much it :)
I got home about half past 7 pm. Then I walked my dog for an hour before I went to bed.
I don't really have anything else to say so I'll show you some pucs instead :)
first picture taken of us together :)
Moa and Vilma <3

They are probably going to sleep at my place tonight! Can't wait :D