Sunday, June 30, 2013

Next week

Next week, starting tomorrow, I will work as an extra/help leader at a camp. I was at the camp a few years ago so I kind of know what it's like.
The camp is at a beach, in a military area, and it's VERY sandy there. So I won't bring my phone since it probably only would break from all the sand. (Last time when I came home from that camp both me, my clothes and my phone was litterally full of sand and dirt!)
That means I won't be able to update for... well, at least a week. After the camp I'm going to our cottage, and I don't know wether I will have connection out there (because sometimes it works, sometimes not...) So yeah, that was it pretty much.
See you when I see you!
that logic -.-

like my hairstyle? xD


  1. Have your sister a blogg?

    1. No she doesn't :) But if you have instagram you can follow her it's @roffroff
